Problem solving - questions and answers

- list your upcoming events and exhibitions - comment on others work - submit your work for comments - list favourite resources - discuss different artists - share ideas - discuss techniques - just talk art



mercredi 31 mars 2010

Death of Marat

Whilst reading an art magazine i came across the above painting. I have found several examples of other artists interpretations of the same event. I like to see how artists can perceive the scene from different angles within the room and, with certain artists, even have a completely different understanding of the historic.

lundi 29 mars 2010

Francis Bacon

I have recently been studying the works and life of Francis Bacon. At first i found his work disturbing, but it seems the more i read about him and study his pieces, the more i feel there is something i had previously missed. I have posted a couple of links to some BACON sites that i have found interesting.

I was surprised by Reece Mews, where he lived and worked for 30 years, baring in mind he was the most expensive living artist at the time. It is simple and frugal. His work area tight, full to the brim with resources and materials, just a small space for him to stand and work, but from where he produced his most well-known works.

I wonder if it was infact his shock appeal that helped to bring him into the limelight sooner. His work is quite violent, some works resemble slabs of butchered meat! But surrounding this madness is bland, almost empty rooms or glass cages, in calmer colouring...this i suspect helps to control the gag effect!

dimanche 28 mars 2010

Just updated my website with my events for this year to date! A few new expos added...I am going to be extremely busy with the brushes for a month now.