Problem solving - questions and answers

- list your upcoming events and exhibitions - comment on others work - submit your work for comments - list favourite resources - discuss different artists - share ideas - discuss techniques - just talk art



dimanche 11 avril 2010

Blek le Rat and Banksy

Stencil graffiti art - cool - with it's roots back in Paris in the 80's. Blek le Rat, born in '52, seems to be the pioneer of this form of graffiti with his collective known as Blek, later solo. It appears that both Blek le Rat and Banksy, born in '74, inspire each other, Banksy has been recorded as saying 'every time i produce something cool, i find it has been done by Blek, only 20 years before'. The two artists are said to be in email contact with each other. I like their work, I am sure parts of it will find its way into my work, reading about them has been inspiring to me.